Evergreen Care: "Introduction"

Hello, my name is Thomas Marcucci. I am starting this blog to share my knowledge and love of Evergreens, Winter Gardening and Poetry. Since I am launching this in the spring months I will concentrate on introducing everyone to the many different types of evergreens there are and how best to implement them into the winter landscape. I have gained a good bit of knowledge about their care and maintenance and wish to share it with all who will listen. I will be showcasing plants that are not necessarily evergreens but, will compliment the winter garden and provide additional color at a time that is normally stark. As we reach the halfway point in Summer, I will begin to share my views on what a Winter Garden should be. This will be achieved through verbal explanation as well as photographs. So join me on this journey of knowledge about the plants in our world that were designed to be rugged and hold their beauty the year round. And in addition I will try to show all the beauty of what nature can create when she decides to lay down a blanket of white.


  1. Nature is fantastic in the winter and gardens in specific.

    Here in Sweden we get lots and lots of snow that stays for many months. This winter has been more snow rich that others.

    This winter we bought a so called badtunna (www.sverigetunnan.se), a kind of hot tub you heat with a stove that takes wood. This way our garden has been used not only in daytime when its light, but at night as well. It has been fantastic to sit in the warm water in the cold and the dark and look up at the stars!

  2. We should enjoy of nature in every season. We should use natural energy resources which does not harms nature.Sore energy Which is giving life to every living creature on earth but still we are using only 30% of total solar energy.

  3. Lovely blog, nice to see someone so inspired by nature to post tips and poetry. I don't think I have seen that mix before

  4. I enjoy all thing in the outdoors. I noticed that you blog post says that you are 2015 you might want to change that

  5. That's one of the many wonderful aspects of evergreens, you have them during the winter months to look at. I love the smell of pines. Just beautiful.

  6. Great photography. Post some more photos please


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