The Winter That Wasn't

I've been away from my blog for a while and am taking a renewed interest in updating and going in new directions with it. Just to get my feet back in the snow again I have to talk about this past Winter or more the lack of it. I live in Eastern Pennsylvania and Winter here has eluded us this season. After two banner years for snowfall, we have come up considerably dry this time around. This type of Winter is hard on plants because they lack the truly cold spell that triggers a deep winter sleep. Typically their growth is stunted the season following an unusually warm winter. For conifers Spring fertilizing is very important. In a future post I will provide information on the best types, timing and how often. In the future I would also like to set up a forum to answer questions from you and offer up advice in your landscape designs. I would also like it to become a centralized place of communication and information exchange. Please, comment and let me know if you think this would ...