Evergreen Care: "The Spruces An Introduction"

In one of my earlier posts I stated that the "Firs" were my favorite of all the conifers, but, the true soldiers of Winter are the "Spruces". Their shape and branch structure differ slightly from the Firs in that they are a more dense tree. Their conical shape is more defined and consistent. There are less gaps in their branches. The needles are evenly distributed at 360 degrees around each branch. Typically Spruce needles are prickly to the touch. The cross-cut of a needle is shaped like a cross. In the valleys of the cross running the length of the needle is a thin white line. This feature tends to make the tree present with an overall lighter shade of the main color. One species that does not have this additional color is the Colorado Blue Spruce. All other Spruces have this. Their trunk bark is generally smooth with small randomly scattered ulcers approximately 3mm in diameter. The true calling of these green giants is in creating a privacy line or a wind break...